E-shock works very hard every day to make the electrical sector 100% counterfeit-free. That is why we tell you exactly where our products come from. We want to be just as clear about personal data that you provide to us. That is why we have listed this for you in this Privacy Statement.

1. Who are we?


We are Groep e B.V. You can find us at Zelestraat 145, 9160 in Lokeren. Our number at the trade register of the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises is BE 0758.808.630. We can be reached by email via info@e-shock.be and by telephone via the E-Shockophone on number + 32 9 396 92 06.

2. What do we use your personal data for?

We have asked you to provide certain personal data. Such as your name, e-mail address, address, payment details, including your bank account number and telephone number. We also ask business customers for their VAT number.

We use this personal data to process your order, to check progress and to send you an invoice. If you do not provide this personal data, we will not be able to deliver the choco products you have purchased to you. We also use your personal data to maintain contact with you. For example, if we want to check certain things about the order and delivery with you.

3. E-Shock-account

It is useful to create an account yourself, because then you do not have to provide all your personal data with every order. You can view and change your contact details in your account. You will also find information about orders placed, an overview of invoices, returns and information you wish to receive, such as newsletters. By logging in, you can manage your account.

4. E-Shock and its customers
We would like to get to know you well in order to make you as comfortable as possible. We record your contact and purchase details in our customer system. If you've participated in any of our campaigns, we'll record that too. We also record when we had contact and what we discussed. This way we can see which products you are interested in, how often you visit us and what keeps you busy. With this information we can then, for example, let you know what your impact has been: so in what way the chocolate farmers have improved thanks to you. We also use this information to continuously improve and renew our website and our range, to develop campaigns and to keep you informed based on your interests.

5. On what basis do we process your personal data?

We are required by law to tell you on which “legal grounds” we process your personal data. These are the following: (i) your consent, for example if you have given it for sending the newsletter (ii) in the context of an agreement, such as when you place an order, (iii) on the basis of a legal obligation, for example in connection with tax legislation and (iv) if we have a legitimate interest in doing so, for example to maintain contact and to keep track of your interests.

6. Newsletter

We can also use your e-mail address to send you a newsletter containing messages about our new products, promotions or other news. We will only do this if you have given your permission for this. You can withdraw that permission via the 'unsubscribe' link that you will find at the bottom of every newsletter. That always applies, by the way. If you have given us permission to use your personal data, you can always withdraw it just as easily.

7. Who else receives your personal data?

We are careful with your personal data and only share it with others if this is necessary to ensure that you receive your order. Think, for example, of delivery services, the distribution center and also the printing company if you have ordered a personalized wrapper.
We do not share your personal data with others for advertising purposes and if you continue to surf the internet, we will not approach you on other sites with advertisements from E-Shock.

8. How long do we keep your personal data?
The statutory retention obligation for data in accounts receivable and sales records is seven years. This means that we keep personal data such as name, e-mail address, address, payment details, telephone number and - for business customers - also data such as the Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number for seven years.

9. International

We prefer to keep your personal data as close as possible. However, if it is necessary to share your personal data with parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will only do so if there is a specific legal exception or if so-called 'appropriate safeguards' have been put in place. Those appropriate safeguards ensure that your personal data is used outside the EEA in accordance with European standards.

10. Questions about your personal data.

If your details are not correct, you can always ask us to correct them. If you have created an account, you can often also change your details yourself. If you want to view your data or receive a copy of it, you can do that too. It is sometimes also possible to have your data erased, to object to its use or to limit its use. In certain cases it is even possible to request your personal data and to take it with you to another party. For all these questions, please contact mailme@tonyschocolonely.com or by phone via the E-Shockophone on number +32 9 396 92 02.

11. Complaints?

If you have complaints about how we handle your data, we find that very annoying.

In that case, please send an email to info@e-shock.be, or call our E-Shockophone (+32 9 396 92 06) . We are happy to help you find a solution. If that does not work, you can always contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority at https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be

12. Changes

We continue to work on a better product and a better website. As a result, things can sometimes change in the data we request from you and what we do with it. Regulations can also change. In that case we will adjust this Privacy Statement. We therefore invite you to check the Privacy Statement regularly, so that you stay up to date. If it concerns major changes, we will also inform you about this on our website.